The present (2022) Grand Council of the United Grand Lodges of India has the following members:



MW Bro. Dr. Pritam Singh Egan (G L Upper India)

General Secretary


MW Bro. Philip Fowler (G L South India)







G L Upper India


MW Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa (Grand Master)



MW Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta



MW Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal (1st G. P. –S. G. Chapter)



MW Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra




Secretary GLUI


RW Bro. Hardev Singh Ranauta




G L South India


MW Bro. E K Nagarajan (Grand Master)



MW Bro. Ravichandran Doraiswami

    MW Bro. Rajkumar Vaiyapuri




Secretary GLSI


VW Bro. Muthukrishnan Nagarajan


Functions of the Grand Council

The main function of the Grand Council is to advise the two Grand Lodges on matters affecting Freemasonry within India and in establishing fraternal relations internationally.

Universal Brotherhood and International Relations are important to us. We are ever-ready to extend our hand of friendship to all regular Grand Lodges. As such all applications /petitions for recognition and fraternal relations are examined in detail by the Grand Council Secretariat and then recommended for exchanging treaties of Amity and Inter-visitation between Grand Lodges. In the case of applications from Europe we also seek advice from our representative in Europe MW Bro. Michel Singer.

Grand Council Meetings

The Grand Council meets once or twice a year as need be in conjunction with the Annual Grand Lodge Meetings of the two Grand Lodges at Chandigarh and Coimbatore. The office of the Grand Council is at Coimbatore where the Secretary General is based.


Grand Council Meeting in Chandigarh on 21st January 2020

A meeting of the Grand Council was hosted on 21st January 2020 by MW Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta at his residence at  House No 77, Sector 10 A Chandigarh at 11.00 a.m.. The meeting was chaired by the President MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan.

The Grand Lodge of South India was represented by MW Bro. Philip R J Fowler G. Secretary Gen., MW Bro. V. Rajkumar Grand Master and   RW Bro. M. Nagarajan  G. Secretary. Grand Lodge of Upper India was represented by MW Bro.  Col. Shamsher S. Dhanoa Grand Master, MW Bro.  Ajit Singh Ranauta,   MW Bro.  Rakesh Mittal, and RW Bro.  Hardev Singh Ranauta G.Secretary. MW Bro. Dr. Satwinder  S Bhamra (UI), RW Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta (UI),  RW Bro EK Nagrajan (Dy DM -SI) and RW Bro KR Raman (Asst GM -SI) were present as invitees.


MW Bro Oscar de Wandel, MW Bro. V. Rajkumar,  RW Bro. Heiner  Wiegele, MW Bro. Michael  Maurer,  RW Bro. Edvard  Miljanic and  RW Bro. Veka  Radonjic

Also present as special invitees were MW Bro. Michel Singer – GL of  Hungary,  MW Bro. Oscar de Wandel – GL of Belgium,   MW Bro. Michael  Maurer – Sovereign GL of Austria   RW Bro. Heiner  Wiegele – S. GL of Austria    RW Bro. Veka  Radonjic  -GL of Serbia   RW Bro. Edvard  Miljanic –GL of Serbia  and   RW Bro. Philippe Douillet – S.C. France.                                                     

RW Bro Veka Radonjic Grand Chancellor and RW Bro Edvard Miljanic with RW Bro. Kamaldeep Singh Egan Dy G Master –G L U I


The Grand Council approved the signing of aTreaty of Amity, Mutual Recognitionand Inter-visitation with Grand Lodge of Serbia. A delegation from Grand Lodge of Serbia headed by the Grand Chancellor RW Bro. Veka  Radonjic  accompanied by RW Bro. Edvard  Miljanic was present and was welcomed.


T.ILL.Fr: Philippe Douillet, MW Bro.Michael Muarer and MW Bro.Oscar de Wandel with their host MW Bro Ajit Singh Ranauta and his sons RW Bro Harbinder Singh (on left), RW Bro Hardev Singh and RW Bro Jasraj Singh (on right)


After the meeting lavish liquid refreshments and snacks were served, which the brethren enjoyed over  fellowship. There after a sumptuous lunch was served by MW Bro Ajit Singh Ranauta. The President thanked the Ranauta family for their kind hospitality.


MW Bro.Oscar de Wandel, MW Bro.Michael Muarer, RW Bro Navneet Saxena, RW Bro. Heiner Wiegele MW Bro. Michel Singer,RW Bro Jasraj Singh and MW Bro V. Rajkumar


VW Bro. Maj. Venugopalan and MW Bro. Michael Muarer in a jovial mood


Grand Council Meeting in Coimbatore on 25th May 2019

A meeting of the Grand Council was held on 25th May 2019 at the Masonic Complex at Coimbatore. The meeting was also attended as special invitees, by RW Bro. Brig M. S. Dullat JG Warden Grand Lodge of Upper India visiting Delegates from Europe. The Grand Council approved the signing of Treaty of Amity and Friendship with Sov. Grand Lodge of Austria.

Grand Council Meeting in Chandigarh on 8th December 2018

Grand Council Meeting was held at Hotel Beckons in Chandigarh on 8th December 2018.
Grand Lodge of South India was represented by M.W. Bro. Philip Fowler – GLSI. VW. Bro. Major P.K. Venugopal, Asst. Grand Director of Ceremonies –GLSI also attended as special invitees. All members of Grand Council from Grand Lodge of Upper India were present.
MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan, President of the Council, presided and welcomed the members and hoped for a valuable discussion. Various items of agenda were taken up. Both the Grand Lodges presented respective Reports of their activities, which were well appreciated. The status of side degrees and of Scottish Rites was also considered.
Grand Council decided that we should avoid joining any group of International Grand Lodges. We should however establish and maintain fraternal relations with all regular Grand Lodges.

Grand Council Meeting in Coimbatore on 8th June 2018

A meeting of the Grand Council was held on 8th June 2018 at the Masonic Complex at Coimbatore. The meeting was also attended as special invitees, by  RW Bro. Col S.S. Dhanoa – Grand Maser elect of Grand Lodge of Upper India. The Grand Council approved the signing of Treaty of Amity and Friendship with Grand Lodge of Mexico REAA.

Grand Council Meeting in Coimbatore on 27th May 2017

A meeting of the Grand Council was held on 27th May 2017 at the English Club at Coimbatore. The meeting was also attended as special invitees, by MW Bro. Philippe Charuel – GM – Grand Lodge of France, MW Bro. Oscar de Wandel – GM – Grand Lodge of Belgium, MW Bro. Massimo C. Tortora – GM – Serenissima Grand Lodge of Italy, and MW Bro. Michel Singer our Grand Representative for the Masonic Fraternity of Europe. MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan, President of the Council, welcomed the visiting brethren and introduced them to the Council Members. Since MW Bro. Dr. D. Rajendran had unfortunately been called to G L above, in his place MW Bro. Ravichandran Doraiswami was appointed member of Grand Council by G L of South India. MW Bro. Philippe Charuel – GM – Grand Lodge of France, invited the President, Grand Masters and members of United Grand Lodges of India to attend the Annual Meeting of Grand Lodge of France in Paris in June this year.


GMW Bro. Philip Fowler Grand Secretary General of Grand Council and MW Bro. Michel Singer Special Representative of U. G. L. I. for Europe


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