28th Annual Grand Festival --- 16th March 2024

The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Upper India is now 28 years old. The 28th Annual Grand Festival was held on Saturday, the 16th day of March 2024 at 5:30 p.m. It was attended by the Grand Officers (Present and Past), Past Masters, reigning Worshipful Masters, reigning Wardens and Master Masons of daughter Lodges and of recognized Grand Lodges.

M.W. the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta opened the Grand Lodge in due form. M.W. Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, M.W.Bro. Dr. Pritam Singh Egan, M.W. Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra, M.W. Bro. Rakesh Mittal and other senior brethren graced the occasion.


The Grand Master appointed a++nd invested Grand Officers for the ensuing year. R.W. Bro. Brig. Malkiat Singh Dullat was appointed and invested as the Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Dr. Sandeep Singh Egan was appointed as the Assistant Grand Master.

R.W. Bro. Capt. Hardeep Singh Dhanoa was appointed and invested as the Senior Grand Warden and R.W. Bro. Gurinder Singh Cheema was appointed and invested as the Junior Grand Warden.


M.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta addressed the brethren and informed about the present status of the Grand Lodge. He urged the brethren to hold regular Lodge meetings. He also thanked the Past Grand Masters and other members of the Grand Lodge for their unconditional support. The Grand Master expressed sincere appreciation to M.W.Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra for his diligent efforts in organizing the water supply and overseeing the borewell installation.


M.W. Bro. Dr. Pritam Singh Egan, President, Grand Council, United Grand Lodges of India, addressed the brethren. He conveyed his delight about the amicable relations with the brethren of the Grand Lodge of Malaysia and highlighted the promising growth underway within the Grand Lodge of Malaysia.

27th Annual Grand Festival --- 4th March 2023

Installation of Harbinder Singh Ranauta as Grand Master
of Grand Lodge of Upper India

On 4th day of March 2023, a historic moment unfolded at the Freemasons' Complex in Daun, Chandigarh, as Harbinder Singh Ranauta was formally installed as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Upper India. The ceremony, conducted by the distinguished M.W.Bro. Dr. Pritam Singh Egan, was attended by brethren from various corners of the country, including notable representatives from Delhi, Amritsar, Bangalore, Chennai, Coimbatore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The event not only marked a significant milestone in the career of Harbinder Singh Ranauta but also symbolized the continuity of the rich traditions and values upheld by Freemasonry. Under the solemn guidance of M.W.Bro. Dr. Pritam Singh Egan, the installation ceremony was conducted with utmost reverence and respect for the ancient rituals that define Freemasonry.

Among the esteemed attendees, representing the global fraternity of Freemasons, were distinguished guests from the Grand Lodge of Malaysia and the Grand Lodge of South India. R.W.Bro. Dr. M.V. Kumar Viswanathan, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Malaysia, and M.W.Bro. E.K.Nagarajen, M.W. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of South India, graced the occasion with their presence, further underscoring the spirit of fraternity and unity that Freemasonry embodies.

The installation of Harbinder Singh Ranauta as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Upper India not only signifies a new chapter in the history of Freemasonry but also heralds a period of growth, enlightenment, and service to humanity. With a diverse gathering of brethren from different regions and backgrounds, the ceremony exemplified the universal principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth that Freemasonry espouses.

As Harbinder Singh Ranauta assumes the mantle of leadership, he carries with him the legacy of his father, M.W.Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, Past Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Upper India, and is working with responsibility to uphold the timeless values of Freemasonry and to lead with integrity, wisdom, and compassion. Guided by the teachings of Freemasonry and supported by the collective wisdom of his brethren, he embarks on a journey to inspire, educate, and empower those within the fraternity and beyond.

The installation ceremony concluded amidst a sense of camaraderie and fellowship, reaffirming the bond that unites Freemasons across the globe. As Harbinder Singh Ranauta takes his place as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Upper India, he embarks on a noble endeavor to honor the legacy of Freemasonry and to serve as a beacon of light in a world that yearns for the values of harmony, tolerance, and mutual respect.

26th Annual Grand Lodge Meeting --- 18th December 2021

Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Upper India is now 26 years old.  The 26th Annual Grand Lodge Meeting was held on Saturday 18th December 2021 at 6:00 p.m. It was attended by the Grand Officers (Present and Past), Past Masters, reigning Worshipful Masters, reigning Wardens and Master Masons of daughter Lodges and of recognized Grand Lodges.  M.W. the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Col. S.S.Dhanoa was unable to attend. The Grand Lodge was opened in due form by M.W. Bro. Dr. P.S. Egan – Past Grand Master (2001-03), President of the Grand Council of United Grand Lodges.  M.W. Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, M.W. Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra, M.W. Bro. Rakesh Mittal and other senior brethren graced the occasion.

M.W. Bro. Dr. P.S. Egan -- Officiating Grand Master




The Officiating Grand Master appointed and invested Grand Officers for the ensuing year. R.W. Bro. Kamaldeep Singh Egan was re-appointed and invested Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Lt.Col. Iqbal Singh Khara was re-appointed Assistant Grand Master.

R.W. Bro. Lt.Col. MGS Khurana was re-appointed Senior Grand Warden and R.W. Bro. Brig. Malkiat Singh Dullat was re-appointed and invested Junior Grand Warden.


                        At the meeting of the Electoral College of the Grand Lodge of Upper India hosted by M.W. Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa, Grand Master, held on Saturday, 28th November 2020, R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta P.Dy G.M. and President of the Grand Board of General Purposes was unanimously elected Grand Master for the ensuing term of three years i.e. from December 2022 to December 2025. (keeping in view the Covid situation).

             R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta gave his unconditional consent for the same. He will be installed Grand Master at the next Grand Festival due to be held in December 2022.  


R.W.Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta, OSM
Grand Master-elect


Grand Master’s Order of Service to Masonry was conferred on R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta  for the various services rendered by him not only to Grand Lodge of Upper India but also to Supreme Grand Chapter of Upper India and Grand Mark Lodge of Upper India, and to Freemasonry in general. R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta was decorated with the Order of Service to Masonry and presented the Jewel of Order of Service to Masonry along with a Certificate.

Grand Secretary read the following Citation:

“R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta having been initiated into freemasonry on 28th February 1990 in Lodge Chandigarh No. 241 GLI, he is a freemason of over 31 years standing. Brother Harbinder’s Masonic record is a very impressive one. Besides the craft degree, he is a member of Royal Arch Chapter, Mark Master Mason, Royal Ark Mariner and Order of the Secret Monitor (Brotherhood of David and Jonathan). He has been installed into the eastern chair of each of these degrees. He has served the Grand Lodge, Grand Mark Lodge and the Supreme Grand Chapter in various grand offices. He is past Deputy Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Upper India, and currently is the President of the Grand Board. He is holder of active senior Grand Ranks in Grand Mark Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter.

           He was initiated as a Lewis in 1990. He belongs to a family of freemasons, the illustrious Ranauta family. His father is a past Grand Master of GLUI, his brothers and cousins are all freemasons.

His contributions to the Grand Lodge as its Grand Secretary are immense. He has been looking after the printing needs of the Grand Lodge and its daughters Lodges. He is always at the forefront in contributing funds and looking after the Temple at Daun.

He is Bachelor of Commerce, Member of the Indian Roller Hockey team from 1988 to 1991 and Bronze Medalist in Asian Roller Hockey meet in 1989 in China, and a keen golfer. 

He is very affectionate and has been very deservedly unanimously elected as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Upper India for the next term.”




M.W. Bro. Dr. Pritam Singh Egan, President, Grand Council, United   Grand Lodges of India who was also the officiating Grand Master, addressed the brethren and made the following speech.

M.W. Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa is not keeping good health and is not well. He could not attend today’s meeting and has sent his apology. I am therefore officiating in his place.

Freemasonry worldwide has not escaped the wrath of Covid-19 pandemic. We too have faced lockdowns, night curfews and restrictions on meetings and gatherings. Our members have suffered from corona infections. Our members and lodges have faced each difficult situation boldly.


M.W. Bro. Dr. P.S. Egan, OSM
President United Grand Lodges of India


World over freemasonry has slowed down, and our Lodges too have been affected by this difficult situation.  Therefore we were not able to hold Lodge meetings regularly. Neither could we hold our Annual Grand Lodge meetings on due dates, nor hold the Grand Council meetings as required. The Grand Council could not meet after January 2020.


The Covid situation having improved slightly, we are now able to meet with caution. Our brethren in the south had their Grand Lodge Installation meeting a few months back. M.W. Bro. E.K. Nagarajan was installed the new Grand Master. They also had their Grand Mark and Grand Chapter Installation meetings last month.  M.W. Bro. E.K. Nagarajan was installed Grand Mark Master in Grand Mark, and First Grand Principal in Supreme Grand Chapter.  On behalf of the Grand Council I felicitate him and wish him a successful term of office.

                  Today we are missing the presence of the brethren from Grand Lodge of South India who could not come because of the Omicron variant virus.

      Hopefully lodges of our Grand Lodge will now start meeting regularly and freemasonry will be back on its feet.  I congratulate R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta on being elected Grand Master for the next term, and on receiving from the Grand Master, the Order of Service to Masonry award. I am sure he will continue to work with same fervency and zeal with which M.W. Bro. Col. S.S. Dhanoa has been working and looking after and administering the Grand Lodge.


Silver Jibilee Celebrations 21st January 2020
Annual Meeting 19th January 2020
Cultural Program and Dinner  

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